Course Syllabus

NWT 00 Syllabus

Sample Syllabus

It is helpful to put your syllabus information in the Canvas Syllabus tool, which is where you are now.  Why? Because it automatically lists all of the assignments in order of deadline (see Course Summary below). That way, students can easily check deadlines on their mobile devices. They will also appear on the Upcoming Up list on the right-hand side of the homepage. This means you set your deadlines in one place and don't risk having the wrong date somewhere.

Keep the information in the Syllabus tool short by linking it to your normal syllabus.

Sample Syllabus (this is for a one-credit course) this sample does not contain the new required paragraph about recordings for class meetings.  The new language which was approved by the Faculty Senate Academic Policy Council can be found in the UF Policy for Online Course Syllabi

NOTE: You can make your syllabus "Public" in "Settings" in the lower-left navigation and provide the link to your department to fulfill the published syllabus requirement.

Your Goal

These are the minimum elements that should be ready to go the week before the start of classes:

  • Canvas course shell is published - Publish the shell as soon as you get it (students won't see it until the class start date)
  • The final syllabus is available in Canvas
  • The content for the semester is set up in Canvas, including:
    • A module page that describes the assignments and activities for the week and provides context
    • Assignments and discussions are set up with deadlines and points
    • Placeholder quizzes and exams are set up with deadlines and points
    • Students should be able to see all of the work that is expected of them and when it is due in the Canvas syllabus tool

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due