Course Syllabus

DemoCourse Syllabus

The Syllabus is the key to understanding the expectations for course communication, structure, due dates, and grading.  At UF, the Policy on Course Syllabi outlines all the information that must appear in common in all UF course syllabi, including UF Online courses. Instructors will often provide a hard copy of their Syllabus for you to download and reference throughout the course.

This Syllabus tool in Canvas will populate with your assignment and quiz due dates which will also push to your calendar.  By setting up your Canvas notifications so you get reminders, you can let the technology keep everything straight for you.  

Below you’ll see this Demo Course’s example assignments.  One click, and you’re in the assignment which is also accessible from the Canvas Left Nav and your calendar.  UF Online courses are designed to streamline your stress so you can focus on learning. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due