Course Syllabus

Snapshopt of an interactive map of nearly 500 elements of intangible cultural heritage curated by UNESCO with web semantics and overlaid into their networked relationships to the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Image source: UNESCO Dive Into Intangible Cultural Heritage)

A interactive map of nearly 500 elements of intangible cultural heritage curated by UNESCO with web semantics and overlaid into their networked relationships to the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Image source: UNESCO Dive Into Intangible Cultural Heritage Links to an external site.)


"Culture is the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterizes a society or a group. It includes creative expressions, community practices and material or built forms." – Our Creative Diversity: The UN World Commission on Culture and Development Report




Hal Knowles, Ph.D.

Instructional Assistant Professor  |  SBE Links to an external site. + URP Links to an external site.

Canvas (preferred) or (alternative) |  352-294-6781 Links to an external site. 

Office Hours  |  Request an Appointment via Microsoft Bookings Links to an external site.




  • DCP 3220 > Summer A 2024 (3 Credits)
  • Class 10697 > Section HAL1 (Campus)
  • Class 18962 > Section HAL2 (Online)
  • BCN 1582 (or) IDS 2154 (or) another course approved in the topic area
  • ~ $10 textbooks
  • ~ $0 materials & supplies



Students are encouraged to employ critical thinking and to rely on data and verifiable sources to interrogate all assigned readings and subject matter in this course as a way of determining whether they agree with their classmates and/or their instructor. No lesson is intended to espouse, promote, advance, inculcate, or compel a particular feeling, perception, perspective, or belief. Your attention and intention are yours alone ... so own them.


Below is a timeline of class sessions and assignment due dates. This summary is listed in chronological order and provides direct links to each of them. As such, it offers a great snapshot of the course schedule for the entire semester. You can also click on the "Calendar" menu button on the left sidebar in Canvas and then filter to show only items related to this course.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due