Course Syllabus
Course Description
Course: FES4825 Disaster Planning and Control
Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours Spring 2025 Online
Instructor: Ronnie Gill
OFFICE HOURS: I can be contacted during normal business hours. I check emails regularly and should respond to any requests within 48 hours.
**Textbook Required: Disaster Planning and Control, (2009); 3rd edition William Kramer, PennWell Corp. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ISBN: 1593701896
Ronnie Gill Jr. has over 30 years of public safety experience currently serving as the Director of the Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (OHS) for Prince George’s County, Maryland. Mr. Gill was previously employed with the District of Columbia Fire & Emergency Medical Services Department and retired as the Deputy Fire Chief of Special Operations and Homeland Security, Mr. Gill is responsible for the OHS vision and implementation of the County’s homeland security and emergency management programs. These programs include the planning, training, exercise, mitigation, cyber preparedness, critical infrastructure, corrective action, community preparedness, and operations programs supporting the County’s over 35 departments and agencies, 8,000 employees, and 980,000 residents.
Mr. Gill is a graduate of the United States Fire Administration’s National Fire Academy, Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program, Mr. Gill earned his Associate and Bachelor of Fire Science Degrees from the University of the District of Columbia and Master of Science in Management from the Johns Hopkins University. In addition, he is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Learning Objectives
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines concepts and principles of community risk assessment, planning, and response to fires, natural and human-caused disasters, including National Incident Management System, Incident Command Systems (NIMS/ICS), mutual aid and automatic response, training and preparedness, communications, civil disturbances, terrorist threats/incidents, hazardous materials planning, mass casualty incidents, earthquake preparedness, and disaster mitigation and recovery.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: No prerequisites for the course are needed.
The student will be able to:
- Discuss the importance of disaster planning, preparation, and mitigation.
- Evaluate the hazard assessment processes and the role of the firefighter in community disaster planning and recovery.
- Assess hazard response and planning procedures.
- Define the impact of hazard occurrence on community response.
- Define the parameters and effectiveness of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and its components.
- Differentiate the multilevel agency responsibilities in disaster mitigation.
- Define the relationships between disaster planning, mitigation, and recovery.
Course Goals
- The student will interpret and apply the terminology, concepts, methodologies and theories used within systems management.
- The student expresses ideas in a convincing, organized, clear, coherent manner that is nearly error free and uses a style and language appropriate to the emergency services and the analytic profession.
- Submitted written assignments should include such elements as well-crafted paragraphs, a persuasive organizational structure (e.g., introduction, body, conclusion; or introduction, methods, results, discussion), well-supported claims, and appropriate and effective stylistic elements adhering to APA style 6th edition.
- The student considers the issues from multiple perspectives, logically analyzes evidence from credible, relevant sources, and develops reasoned conclusions.
Teaching Philosophy: I am looking for students to demonstrate a working knowledge of the subject. You need to be creative when you complete your assignments but maintain a professional appearance of your work. Your work should be completed in such a manner that someone can pick up your document and understand what you are trying to convey. Your work should be supported with research and cited in APA format.
Any and all use of machines that emulate human capabilities (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, DALLE, etc.) to perform assignments or other works in the course should be disclosed as it can border on plagiarism. AI-generated information, as long as this use is properly documented in the references and will need to include the prompt and the significant parts of the response. The use of generative AI tools is not permitted in this course for the following activities:
- Completing group work that your group has assigned to you.
- Writing a draft of a writing assignment.
- Writing entire sentences, paragraphs or papers to complete class assignments.
Instructional Methods: The course is designed for individual and group interactivity. It is important to post and respond to discussion questions in the course within the time frame allotted. This provides a learning environment by networking with other students in the course. The assignments are individual base to give you the opportunity to do a variety of activities, in many cases, similar to what you will be doing in role as a leader in the emergency services profession.g
Course Policies
Attendance Policy: The course is designed in module format. You should check the site at least once a week. You are required to complete the assignments including discussion questions within the time period designated on the module. There will be meetings set up throughout the course. Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found in the online catalog at:
- Assignments & Discussions: All assignments and discussions have a due date. Please be sure to check the dates and times they are due in each module. All due dates are set in order to provide consistency with the discussions and assignment submission. Each module will be opened early so you have time to read the material, formulate and answer discussions and finish and submit the assignment. Each discussion and assignment will be closed one week after the due date.
- Final Project: There is a final project for this course. There are no exams or quizzes. The final project will cover all material learned and discussed throughout the course.
- Make-up Policy: You must contact me, prior to the assignment deadline if you are going to be late on any discussion or assignment to receive credit. In the event of an unforeseen inability to complete an assignment, due to technology, notify me as soon as possible.
- Course Technology: Class meetings will require a web camera and mic/audio. If you are not able to use a web camera you will need to at least provide audio/mic, you can call in on a phone also.
Canvas Information & Technology
Class meetings may require a web camera and mic/audio. If you are not able to use a web camera you will need to at least provide audio/mic, you can call in on a phone also. Otherwise, discussions and assignments will be web based and submissions will occur electronically. If technology help is required, please contact the UF Help Desk at:
Any requests for make-ups due to technical issues MUST be accompanied by the ticket number received from LSS when the problem was reported to them. The ticket number will document the time and date of the problem. You MUST e-mail your instructor within 24 hours of the technical difficulty if you wish to request a make-up.
Other resources are available at for:
- Counseling and Wellness resources
- Disability resources
- Resources for handling student concerns and complaints
- Library Help Desk support
Should you have any complaints with your experience in this course please visit to submit a complaint.
UF online/internet privacy statement:
UF Honor Code
UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”
The Honor Code ( specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obliged to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with the instructor of in this class.
UF Policies
University Policy on Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Students requesting accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of Students Office. Here is the link.
The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. You must submit this documentation prior to submitting assignments or taking the quizzes or exams. Accommodations are not retroactive; therefore, students should contact the office as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations.
University Policy on Academic Conduct:
UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."
Netiquette: Communication Courtesy: All members of the class are expected to follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats.
Grading Scale
A= 93.0 to 100% | C = 73.0 to 76.9% |
A- = 90.0 to 92.9% |
C- = 70.0 to 72.9% |
B+ = 87.0 to 89.9% |
D+ = 67.0 to 69.9% |
B = 83.0 to 86.9% |
D = 63.0 to 66.9% |
B- = 80.0 to 82.9% | D- = 60.0 to 62.9% |
C+ = 77.0 to 79.9% |
F = below 60
Assignment | Point or Percentage |
Grading Discussion Participation – 20 points each discussion | 160 points |
Homework Assignments – 20 points each assignment | 140 points |
Final Project - comprehensive and applied | 100 points |
Total Grade | 400 points |
The grade is based on a point system. You divide the total number of earned points into the total amount of points available to determine your grade. A grading rubric for the final project is under the Resource Tab on the course.
Late Assignments and Discussion Posts
Note the close date on ALL assignments. No exceptions after this date. You will receive a zero for that grade.
Assignments 48 hours late will receive a 10% deduction in their grade.
Assignments more than 48 hours but less than 14 days late will receive a 20% deduction in their grade.
See (Links to an external site.) regarding current UF grading policies.
Initial posts are due one week before the due date. You must respond to two other students 24 hours prior the due date to receive full credit. Discussions are like being in class, it should be a back-and-forth discussion. You will lose 1 point per day of being late with initial post and 1 point per day lost for not responding to other student posts. You need to respond to any post that is replied to on your post. Posting early allows other students to respond appropriately.
Please note that any student having less than 75% of their work complete for the semester cannot earn an “I” contract. If you have 75% of the work complete, you can propose an "I" contract to the instructor.
It is your responsibility to keep your instructor informed at all times. The instructor does have the right under extenuating circumstances with proper notification to assist the student by extending the above time requirements.
Grading Scale: (Links to an external site.)
Evaluation process:
Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals. Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available at (Links to an external site.). Students will be notified when the evaluation period opens and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via (Links to an external site.). Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at (Links to an external site.).
Please note: Any student having less than 75% of their work complete for the semester cannot earn an “I” contract. If you have 75% of the work complete, you can propose an "I" contract to the instructor. It is your responsibility to keep your instructor informed at all times. The instructor does have the right under extenuating circumstances with proper notification to assist the student by extending the above time requirements. *Points will be deducted for all late assignments.
Information on current UF grading policies for assigning grade points:
To convert the final grade to credit hours please refer to by using the link to the web page:
Course Schedule
Module | Coursework |
Module 0: Orientation |
Module 1: Disaster Anticipation and Preparation 1/13-1/26 |
Module 2: Historical Lessons, Training and Preparation 1/27-2/9 |
Module 3: Organizational Structure and Incident Management, Resource Management and Augmentation 2/10-2/23 |
Module 4: Communications and Information Management, Catastrophic Fires 2/24-3/9 |
Module 5: Transportation Disaster, Hazardous Materials Disasters 3/10-3/23 |
Module 6: Homeland Security and Civil Disorder, Terrorism 3/24-4/6 |
Module 7: Mass Casualties and Mass Evacuation, Weather-Related & Terrain-Based Natural Disasters 4/7-4/20 |
Module 8: Final Project 3/21-5/1 |
Evaluation Process
Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open.